Looking for child care in Vancouver? Utilize WCCRC's online search tool and filter by location, neighbourhood, age, type of child care and more!
Child Care SearchMinistry of Education and Child Care Announcement: Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative
The Province is providing direct funding to child care providers to cut child care fees again, this time by as much as $550 each month, starting on December 1, 2022.
Fact Sheet Child Care Announcement
Fact Sheet 3 Ways Families are Saving on Child Care in BC
Fact Sheet New Savings on Child Care
Maximum Monthly Parent Fee Reductions and Provider Payment
Choosing Child Care
Choosing a quality child care setting can be challenging with long waiting lists, various types of child care and the unique requirements of your child and family to consider. It is important to start early and know that there are services available to assist you with your search.
If you don't live in Vancouver, please visit the CCRR website for a list of other Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) centres across BC.
WCCRC’s parent services can help you with:
Looking for information on the Affordable Child Care Benefit? See the information below.
Choosing a child care option is a significant decision for you and your child. We provide information and resources to assist you in your decision making process.
Our online child care search portal allows you to search Vancouver child care options by age, type of child care, location and more.
We are able to provide referrals to licensed and registered child care settings along with neighbourhood based child development and family support programs. Contact us for more information
Find out about typical child care costs for the various types of child care with our most recent fee surveys.
We offer community based child care information sessions by request, resources and more.

Helpful Tips For Choosing Child Care
It can be a challenge to find a child care arrangement you feel comfortable with. Here are some ideas that might help you make your choice.
Determine Your Needs
Before looking for child care, think about:
- The hours and days you need care
- Your child’s age and experience
- How much you can pay
- If you want child care in or near your home, work, or school
Look For These Qualities
A quality child are program has:
- clean and safe space
- warm and friendly caregivers
- indoor and outdoor play
- healthy food
- many play and learning activities
- a daily routine
Ask Questions
Here are some questions you can ask:
- Is there a space for your child?
- Is the program licensed?
- Is the caregiver registered?
- What is the caregiver’s experience and training in child care?
- How much does it cost?
For more information on gathering information and tips for visiting a potential child care provider download Choosing Child Care (PDF).

Find Child Care
Use Our Online Search Tool
Useful Websites
- Finding quality childcare: A guide for parents in Canada
- Choosing Child Care (BC Health Guide Website)
- Child Care BC
- Vancouver Coastal Health Contact Information
Useful Documents
- Multi-Lingual Resources (Multiple Documents Available)
- Parents' Guide to Selecting & Monitoring Child Care in BC
Affordable Child Care Benefit
The Affordable Child Care Benefit replaces the current Child Care Subsidy (2018). The new funding will help families with the cost of child care, depending on factors like family size, type of care and household income.
Try out the online Affordable Child Care Benefit Estimator, apply online or learn more.
We can offer support with:
- Finding child care
- Applying for your BCEID (needed for online applications)
- Filling in the online application
- Photocopying/scanning supporting documents needed
- Uploading documents
For support completing the Affordable Child Care Benefit application, book an appointment with one of our WCCRC Parent Service Advisors. Email parentservices@westcoastfamily.org or call 604-709-5661 OR 604-709-5699.
Types Of Child Care
These are the various types of child care options available to parents and caregivers. These categories are provided by the Government of BC.
Child Care Centre
Full-Day Care (0 - 3yrs)
Full day program, typically 12 children in a group. One educator for every 4 children.
Full-Day Care (2.5 - School Age)
Full day program, typically 25 children in a group. One educator for every 8 children.
Pre-School (2.5 - School Age)
Part day program, 4hrs or less, often operating during the school year. 20 children in a group; one educator to every 10 children.
Before and / or After School (5 - 12yrs)
School age programs serve children who require care outside of school hours. One adult with minimum of 20 hours training per 10 children.
Multi-Age Child Care (0 - 12yrs)
Serves smaller groups of children, typically 8 children in a group; one Educator for each group of 8 children.
Occasional Child Care (18 mo - School Age)
Occasional child care is care for children who are 18 months or older. Care is provided on a part time or occasional basis only. A maximum of 40 hours per month with no more than 8 hours of care per day.
Home Child Care
(At Child Care Provider's Home)
Licensed Family Child Care (0 - 12yrs)
Offered in the child care provider's own home; serves a maximum of 7 children from birth to age 12.
Registered License-Not-Required Family Child Care (0 - 12yrs)
Providers are registered with a Child Care Resource and Referral Program and have met a number of provincial standards. care for 2 children or a sibling group, not related to them by blood or marriage, at any one time.
In-Home Multi-Age Child Care (0 - 12 Years)
Offered in the child care provider's own home; serves a maximum of 8 children from birth to age 12.