Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

Inspiring & Promoting Excellence in Child Care & Early Learning

Get a library card Register

Effective April 1st. 2025, Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL) is availbable for those who live,  work or study in Vancouver.


Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL)

Resource Library for Early Childhood Educators, ECE Students and Caregivers

The ECE curriculum library at Westcoast houses British Columbia’s most comprehensive, publicly accessible collection of materials related to early childhood education and care. Our collection has thousands of quality purposely curted resources for early learning and play and includes a broad range of materials which support anti-bias education and recognize the human and cultural diversity around us.  It also features professional development and student resources on a variety of  topics including ECE theory and practice, program planning, child care administration and more. 

The WELL is open to Early Childhood Educators, ECE students, caregivers, families and all who are interested in quality early learning and care for all children.

Contact us by email at library@westcoastfamily.org or phone at 604-677-1100

Library Hours :                                                                   Holiday Closures:
Mondays: Closed                                                             The Library will be closed on Saturdays prior 
Tuesdays: 9:00 am-5:00 pm                                        to statutory holidays which fall on a Monday.
Wednesdays: 9:00 am-8:00 pm                                - May 17th for Victoria Day 
Thursdays: 9:00 am-5:00 pm                                     - August 2nd for BC Day
Fridays: 9:00 am-5:00 pm                                            - August 30th for Labour Day
Saturdays: 9:00 am-4:00 pm                                      - October 11th for Thanksgiving
Sundays: Closed

Library card expired? No worries! Borrowing from our library is now FREE! Give us a call to update your membership at 604-677-1100

Other helpful libraries include: The BC Aboriginal Child Care Society (BCACCS) Resource Collection and the Decoda Literacy Library.

Library Lending Policies

Find out more about our library lending policies including duration of loans, library card fees and more below:

  • Effective April 1st. 2025, use of the Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL) will be limited to patrons who live, work or study in Vancouver.
  • The Westcoast Early Learning Library card is free to all customers.
  • Limit of 10 resource items at any one time plus 15 books.
  • The loan period is 4 weeks.
  • You may renew once for an additional 4 weeks if there are no holds on the item. Holds are limited to 10 at a time.
  • All materials must be returned to the Westcoast Early Learning Library, located at 2772 East Broadway.
  • Please return items in the same condition and packaging that they were in when you borrowed them.
  • Personal items returned in library packages will be discarded or repurposed.
  • We do not sanitize any materials. You may want to sanitize materials before use. All items should be returned clean and dry. Infant and toddler packages include cleaning instructions.
  • Please check the contents of each package borrowed before you use it to ensure it is complete and in good condition. Report any missing or damaged items within 48 hours to avoid paying replacement fees.
  • We reserve the right to use our discretion on borrowing limits in specific circumstances.

*A resource item is anything that is not a book.

  • Fines are $.25 per item per day.
  • Lost or damaged items must be replaced or paid for within 4 weeks. After this period, borrowing will be suspended until a resolution is reached.
  • Replacement Costs:
  1. We accept good quality replacements, but please consult with library staff before purchasing items.
  2. A $10 admin fee will be charged on top of the value of lost or damaged items. Admin fees and fines will be waived for borrowers who replace missing items themselves rather than paying for them.
  3. Missing pieces and packaging: once returned, each package is counted and verified complete before it is re-shelved. Please count each item before returning. For all items except books, we charge $5 per missing piece or package (excluding materials with essential parts, which must be completely replaced).

Please help us maintain our library by:

  • Keeping the floors and walkways clear
    • Someone could trip and fall if resources are left on the floor
  • Keeping the materials and toys in their packages until you get them home
    • The best way to ensure you are taking a complete resource home with you is to keep all the pieces in the package while you are in the library
  • Please take musical instruments home to play them

Borrowing Limits

  • There is a total limit of 10 resource items plus 15 books.
  • The loan period is 4 weeks and 1 renewal of 4 additional weeks.
  • Go to your online library account or contact the library at 604-709-5661 ext. 236 to renew.
  • Ask our library staff for more information about specific limitations by resource collections.

Library Resources

Click on the thumbnails below to view examples of resources available through WELL.

  • Young Children Magazine for ECD Professionals
  • Board Books for Young Children
  • Variety of Books For Children
  • Resources on early childhood play
  • Books for ECD Professionals
  • WELL Babies in Basket
  • WELL Sea Life Puppets
  • WELL Resource Kit - Multicultural Look At Families
  • Inclusiveness and Acceptance Kit
  • wooden puzzles for young children
  • One Tiny Turtle - Kit at WCCRC's Library
  • Musical instruments available at the WELL
  • Multicultural-dolls.jpg
  • felt board story - planets
  • Lady Bugs - Felt Board Items at the WELL
  • Boo Hoo felt board story
  • Good Night Owl Big Book
  • Hourglass timer
  • Coloured scarves in buckets at WELL
  • Library resource kits at the WELL
  • Shoes From Various Countries
  • early childhood development toys
  • Day Care or Preschool room inspiration
  • Labyrinth Game
  • Blocks at the Library
  • Books In The Westcoast Early Learning Library
  • Light Table Ideas for Play

Group Tours & Orientations

The Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL) offers tours and orientations to help your work group or class become more familiar with our services and resources. 


  • Information about what the WELL has to offer
  • Learn how to navigate the library catalogue
  • Explore resources that can enrich your practice
  • Enjoy free time to explore the library after the presentation
  • Duration 20 to 30 minutes

WCCRC Orientation

  • Learn about Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre's programs and services
  • Customize the orientation for your specific group needs; e.g. students or community members
  • Duration 20 to 30 minutes
  • Maximum 20 people
  • Contact library staff for more details 

To book a tour and/or an orientation, contact the library staff by email at library@westcoastfamily.org