BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast Season 2, Episode 3: Adrienne Montani
Welcome back to Season 2! We are so grateful for your support and interest in this Podcast, as we follow BC's Path to Universal Child Care, along with a series of special guests from the child care community.
In Episode 3, Gyda, Nora and Crystal chat with Adrienne Montani - social justice activist, child and youth advocate, past Vancouver School Board chair and Executive Director of First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society.
First Call’s work is guided by the 4 Keys to Success for Children and Youth and these are:
- A strong commitment to early childhood development
- Support in transitions from childhood to youth and adulthood
- Increased economic equality
- Safe and caring communities
Gyda and Adrienne chat about child and youth advocacy, child care wins for families, retention and recruitment of Early Childhood Educators in BC and improvements to services and support for families and children.
Listen now by clicking the audio player below or stream or download wherever you get your podcasts!

Season 2, Episode 3: Adrienne Montani, First Call Child & Youth Advocacy Society