Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

Inspiring & Promoting Excellence in Child Care & Early Learning

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Meet your Community Pedagogists!

Golda Lewin & Shenuri Nugawila are hosted by the Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre in their roles as BC Early Childhood Pedagogy Network (ECPN) community pedagogists.

What is the Early Childhood Pedagogy Network?
The Early Childhood Pedagogy Network is funded by the Ministry of Child and Family Development and extends on two decades of research from two previous pilot projects, the Investigating Quality Project and the Pedagogical Facilitator Project. The Early Childhood Pedagogy Network was founded to integrate the findings from these research projects, including evidence pointing to the value in establishing a provincial network of pedagogists who would work to advance innovative early childhood pedagogies in localized contexts.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Your Pedagogists
Golda is a student, parent, and educator who has worked in the field of early childhood education in a variety of roles for many years. She is dedicated to an ongoing collective and contextual (re)imagining and (re)composing for just relations within and beyond early childhood communities. Shenuri is grateful for her years of experience in the field of early childhood education both as an early childhood educator and as a children’s librarian. The pedagogist role is one in which she is excited to be stepping into as she looks forward to connecting with educators, children and families in considering the many pedagogical possibilities for transforming and reimagining early childhood education.
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Our role as Community Pedagogists
Shenuri and Golda are committed to working alongside educators to nurture creativity, foster generative discussions, and enliven pedagogical practices. They are currently building a hub of educators across multiple programs in the Vancouver area, with the goal of leading dynamic and inventive pedagogical projects that respond to the conditions of our times. Shenuri and Golda use the new BC Early Learning Framework (2019) as a guide to support approaches to pedagogy and pedagogical learning.​​​​​​​

Interested in finding out more and participating in the Early Childhood Pedagogy Network?
Please visit www.ecpn.ca or send an email to ecpn@uwo.ca. Read more for Frequently Asked Questions about hosting a community pedagogist in your centre.