Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

Inspiring & Promoting Excellence in Child Care & Early Learning


BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast: Episode 8 - Stephanie Smith

In Episode 8 Gyda introduces Stephanie Smith from BC General Employees Union (also known as the BCGEU) to discuss the role of Unions in supporting child care sector during this time of change. 

Stephanie has been President at the BCGEU since May 2014, but previous to that she had a long career working as both an Early Childhood Educator and as a child care advocate. 

Stephanie and Gyda chat about the history of the BCGEU in supporting child care professionals, Stephanie's personal experience in the child care sector, the differences for non-profit and for-profit child care providers, the benefits of a unionized workplace and the role of the unions in supporting the next steps on BC's path to universal child care.

Stephanie Smith promo image

BC's Path to Universal Child Care Episode #8: Stephanie Smith