BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast Season 4, Episode 1: Michelle Mungall
Welcome to Episode 1 in Season 4 of our BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast. Today we welcome you back to our podcast for a new season with our special guest: Michelle Mungall, who has dedicated much of her career to advocating for the rights and well-being of children and families in her community.
We are honoured and grateful to welcome Michelle Mungall to share insights, experiences, and her vision for the future of child care.
Michelle Mungall served as British Columbia’s Minister for Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources from 2017-2020, and then as Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Competitiveness in 2020. She was the first female MLA for Nelson-Creston from 2009 to 2020, and the youngest City Councillor for the City of Nelson from 2002-2005. She is now a senior advisor in the energy sector, monthly opinion writer for the Vancouver Sun and proud mom of two.
As a lifelong feminist advocating for gender equality, Michelle's insights couldn't come at a more critical time.
Learn more by listening to the episode now!

Season 4, Episode 1: Michelle Mungall - Advocating for the Rights of Children & Families