BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast Season 4, Episode 2: Joan Gignac
Tune in to Episode 2 in Season 4 of our BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast. Today we welcome you back to our podcast with our special guest: Joan Gignac, from the Sagamok Anishnawbek Nation, an Early Childhood Educator for 34 years who has been dedicated to advancing and promoting Aboriginal Head Start and First Nations Head Start philosophy and programs in BC and Nationwide.
Joan is committed working with others, values collaboration, and working together to find new and empowering ways to advance and uphold the Early Childhood and AHS Profession and quality Early Years programs in BC and beyond.
We are grateful to have Joan Gignac on our podcast, and we are delighted to have her share more about the Aboriginal Head Start programs in BC.
Learn more by listening to the episode now!

BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast Season 4, Episode 2: Joan Gignac