With nearly 12,000 items available on a broad range of topics from ECE theory and program planning to diversity and anti-bias education, the WELL carries everything from children's board books to music and sensory kits.
Learn MoreProviding Child Care
Providing early care and education for young children is a commitment that must be carefully considered. Quality early care and learning professionals are needed more than ever before. It is important to understand what type of work you want to do and how you want to be educated or trained.
- What age of children do you want to work with?
- Do you want to provide care in your home or do you want to work for someone else?
- Are you interested in child care as a business or as a non-profit, community based service?
There are many choices in front of you. View the resources below and the services available to child care providers through WCCRC to help you make these determinations.
If you don't live in Vancouver, please visit the CCRR website for a list of other Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) centres across BC.
Administration & Management for Child Care
Our Administration & Management for Child Care (AMCC) courses are now open for registration.
Take a look at our 40-hour Instructor-Guided online course and our self-paced 12-hour Self-Guided online course. Enroll in the 40-hour course for only $100 to take advantage of the professional development $500 bursary available until 2027.
The WCCRC AMCC Knowledge Base is a comprehensive online information database for ECE leaders, with detailed guidance on all areas of child care leadership.
WCCRC Services For Professionals
- Professional development through training and workshops for continued learning and connection with colleagues.
- An active job posting board for employers and job seekers.
- A comprehensive database of child care and related programs in Vancouver for parent referrals.
- Learn How To Start a Child Care Program in Vancouver today
- Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL). with nearly 12,000+ resources to assist you in your profession.
- Updated vacancy listings.
- Consultation, support and more.
Additional Resources:

Different Types of Child Care Providers
If you are looking at a profession in the early childhood care and education field, below you will find the different types of provider options available:
To be qualified to work as a certified early childhood educator (ECE) in B.C., you are required to complete a basic early childhood education training program from an approved training institution.
- Become an ECE - Government of BC
- Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) – Your professional association
- Student Bursaries help you with the cost of your education
Care for up to 7 children in the licensee’s personal home and where the licensee personally provides the care.
- What Is Family Child Care? (PDF)
- Start-up Funding For Licenced Family Child Care
- Family Child Care Business Manual (PDF, 2nd edition, 2009) This is also available as an electronic resource in our Library catalogue
- Community Care Facilities Licensing, Vancouver Coastal Health
Care for 2 unrelated children, in addition to their own, OR 1 sibling group, at any one time. You must at least 19 years of age.
An adult over 19 years of age who has experience working with children, has completed at least 20 hours of training, & can provide care and mature guidance to children.
- What is a Responsible Adult Fact sheet (PDF)
- School Age Child Care Association of BC – support and networking for school age child care providers
Centre Based Child Care or Preschool Resources
If you are starting or operating a centre-based child care or preschool program, have a look at these helpful online resources:
- Community Care Facilities Licensing , Vancouver Coastal Health
- Provincial Resources for running a child care program in BC.
- City of Vancouver resources for starting a child care
- A handbook for local government requirements (PDF)
- Sneezes & Diseases Resource Book
- Provincial Fund Resources
- Quick Guide to Common Childhood Diseases
2018 Child Care Wage Survey Report
An online survey was sent to all staff working in centre-based child care programs in Vancouver in April and May of 2018 through funding provided by the City of Vancouver. The findings are now available in the published report entitled "2018 Wages and Working Conditions Survey: Vancouver-Centre Child Care Programs". An Executive Summary is also available.

Westcoast Early Learning Library
Upcoming Workshops & Training Opportunities
Through interactive sessions this 16-hour course guides participants to explore what needs to be considered when opening a Licensed Family Child Care program. Brainstorm ideas, policies, procedures,…
Theories about how children grow and learn influence both education and child care. Studying and understanding the historical foundations of past practitioners and theorists in this field will help us…
In this workshop we will explore how we can embrace Reggio inspired practices in our program and create an environment for children to express their ideas in a hundred languages. We will discuss the…